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Internet gasps as movie buff uncovers Hollywood secret of making the exact same movie every year

Bollywood news

If you want your mind to be blown, prepare to gaze upon the wonder of one movie buff who has detailed a long-held Hollywood secret with a viral thread of beauty.
Say, have you ever noticed how every year the exact same movie is made twice?
Think about it – when Antz and A Bug’s Life were both released in 1998, you surely wondered why the same movie was made.
Or in 2011 when Justin Timberlakeand Mila Kunis went and starred in Friends With Benefits, while over at another studio Mila’s husband Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman instead made No Strings Attached.
They’re. The. Same. Films.
While we’ve surely mused over this notion and had deep and meaningful, passionate rants to our mates about this Hollywood move, known as ‘twin films’, one Twitter user has detailed the very real history of this happening, which goes back decades.

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